JCL Help:OrdToBinary@Byte

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Returns the supplied value in its binary form.


 function OrdToBinary(Value: Byte): string; overload;
function OrdToBinary(Value: ShortInt): string; overload;
function OrdToBinary(Value: SmallInt): string; overload;
function OrdToBinary(Value: Word): string; overload;
function OrdToBinary(Value: Integer): string; overload;
function OrdToBinary(Value: Cardinal): string; overload;
function OrdToBinary(Value: Int64): string; overload;


Parameters Description
Value: Byte The value whose binary string representation to retrieve.

Return Value

Binary string representation of the supplied value. The string has a length equal to the number of bits in the supplied value and each character in the string represents a single bit. The highest bit is placed in Result[1] and the lowest bit in Result[Length(Result)].


OrdToBinary returns a string representation of the specified value in its binary form. That is, a string of '1' and '0' characters representing the bits in the supplied value. The resulting string length is always equal to the number of bits in the supplied value (leading 0's aren't stripped).





Marcel van Brakel

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