JCL Help:JclVersion

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Constants describing the JCL version.


 JclVersionMajor = 2;
JclVersionMinor = 4;
JclVersionRelease = 0;
JclVersionBuild = 4198;
JclVersion = (JclVersionMajor shl 24) or (JclVersionMinor shl 16) or (JclVersionRelease shl 15) or (JclVersionBuild shl 0);


The JclVersion constants define the version of JCL. Major, Minor, Release and Build are merely placeholders, you can lookup the actual value in JclBase.pas.

Constant Description:
JclVersion All of the other version values packed into a single integer. The separate values are moved into the individual bytes. From the most significant byte towards the least significant: Major, Minor, Release, Build
JclVersionMajor Major version of JCL
JclVersionMinor Minor version of JCL. Incremented for each minor release such as when minor additions and/or bug fixes have been made
JclVersionBuild Build number of JCL. This is roughly equivalent to the number of days that JCL has been worked on (starting February 2000)
JclVersionRelease If set to 1 this is an official release. If 0 this is a preview or beta version.





Marcel van Brakel

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