JCL Help:JclSetToList

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Converts a set to a list of enumeration values.


 function JclSetToList(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value; const WantBrackets: Boolean; const WantRanges: Boolean; const Strings: TStrings): string;


Parameters Description
TypeInfo: PTypeInfo RTTI of the set as returned by System.TypeInfo(set type).
const Value Set value.
const WantBrackets: Boolean Flag to surround the result with brackets ('[' and ']'). When set to True, brackets will be present in the resulting string but not in the list.
const WantRanges: Boolean Flag to use range specifiers for adjacent values. When set to True adjacent values will be specified as 'First value .. Last value'. Ranges will be used in both the list as well as the resulting string.
const Strings: TStrings TStrings decendant to receive a list of values. Caller is responsible of creating/destroying the list. The list is not cleared on entry to JclSetToList.

Return Value

The string will be the concatenation of all added values in the Strings parameter, optionally surrounded by '['and ']' depending on the value of WantBrackets.


JclSetToList converts a set to a list of enumeration values. Additionally the set value is returned as a string optionally surrounded by brackets and optionally using ranges if adjacent values are set.





Theo Bebekis

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