JCL Help:IsPrivilegeEnabled

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Tests if the specified Privilege is enabled.


 function IsPrivilegeEnabled(const Privilege: string): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const Privilege: string Access Control | Access Control | Access Control Reference | Windows NT Privileges. For example, you can pass in SE_DEBUG_NAME to test if the debugging privilege is enabled.

Return Value

If the specified privilege is enabled for the calling thread then the function returns True, otherwise the function returns False - this is also the return value if the function fails in retrieving the status of the specified privilege.


IsPrivilegeEnabled tests whether the specified privilege is enabled for the current thread. If the thread is currently impersonating a client the test is made against the credentials of that client, otherwise the test is made against the credentials of the user associated with the process that the calling thread runs in.

See Also

EnableProcessPrivilege EnableThreadPrivilege





Marcel van Brakel


Under Windows 95/98/Millenium Edition, this function does nothing; in addition, it always returns True.

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