JCL Help:CreateNullDacl

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Initializes a security attributes structure for NULL access and optional inheritability.


 function CreateNullDacl(out Sa: TSecurityAttributes; const Inheritable: Boolean): PSecurityAttributes;


Parameters Description
out Sa: TSecurityAttributes The TSecurityAttributes structure to initialize.
const Inheritable: Boolean Specifies inheritability. The bInheritHandle member of Sa is set to the same value as the Inheritable parameter.

Return Value

A pointer to the passed in TSecurityAttributes structure. This allows you to write code such as CreateFile(..., CreateNullDacl(Sa, True), ...).


CreateNullDacl initializes a TSecurityAttributes structure for the creation of an optionally inheritable object with a NULL dacl. The TSecurityAttributes lpSecurityDescriptor member is initialized with a NULL dacl. This will result in the created object allowing full access to everyone. Make sure you read the Notes section for memory issues.

See Also






Marcel van Brakel


The caller is responsible for freeing the memory associated with the lpSecurityDescriptor member of the TSecurityAttributes member. Use FreeMem(Sa.lpSecurityDescriptor). Under Windows 95/98/Millenium Edition, this function always returns nil.

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