JCL Help:BinomialCoeff

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Returns nCr, i.e. Combination of R objects from N.


 function BinomialCoeff(N: Cardinal; R: Cardinal): Float;


Parameters Description
N: Cardinal N is the total number of possible items from which R items will be selected. N must be greater than or equal to R but cannot exceed the value of the MaxFactorial constant (defined as 1754 if Float is Extended). N must be greater than 0, otherwise 0 is returned.
R: Cardinal R is the number of items taken from N which will be combined in result possible ways. R must be greater than 0 but less than or equal to N or 0 will be returned.

Return Value

The binomial coefficient of R objects from N.


BinomialCoeff returns nCr, i.e. Combination of R objects from N, also known as the binomial coefficient. A Combination is the number of non-order specific ways you can organize R items taken from a pool of N items. For example, [Red, Blue, Green] is the same combination as [Green, Blue, Red].





ESB Consultancy

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