JCL Environment

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Add JCL to the IDE Library Path

The automated installer can automatically append some JCL paths to the IDE Library Path. These paths are iterated when the compiler is looking for a prebuilt unit (.dcu) or package (.dcp). The automated installer automatically registers the JCL library release path (jcl/lib/dXX) and the JCL include path (jcl/source/include).

These paths should not contain JCL source files (.pas) unless you exactly knows what you are doing. Otherwise, you may experience some compiler errors like "units ... was compiled with a different version of unit ..."

Add JCL to the IDE Browsing Path

The IDE considers the IDE Browsing file when a source file is about to be displayed inside the editor. For instance, this happens when you click "Open File at cursor" or "Search for declaration". The automated installer can automatically register the JCL source paths (jcl/source/common, jcl/source/vcl and jcl/source/windows on Windows) into the IDE browsing path.

Add JCL to the IDE Debug DCU Path

The automated installer can automatically register the path containing JCL units compiled with enabled debug information (jcl/lib/dXX/debug) into the IDE debug DCU path.