JVCL Help:TJvTFScheduleManager.OnFlush

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Occurs when the cache is flushed.


 TJvTFFlushEvent = procedure (Sender, FlushObj: TObject; var FlushIt: Boolean) ofobject;
propertyOnFlush: TJvTFFlushEvent;


Parameters Description
FlushIt Specify whether to remove the FlushObj object from memory.
FlushObj The object that is about to be removed from memory (either a TJvTFSched or a TJvTFAppt).
Sender The object that has fired the event and most likely will be a TJvTFScheduleManager.


The OnFlush event is fired when the caching system is about to remove an object from memory. You could use this event to "filter" which objects are actually removed from memory. The TJvTFFlushEvent type is used for the OnFlush event. If you set FlushIt to False, the FlushObj will not be removed from memory.

See Also

TJvTFFlushEvent, TJvTFScheduleManager.Flush, TJvTFScheduleManager.Flushing


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