JVCL Help:TJvInspectorCustomCompoundItem.RecalcColumnWidths

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Update column widths


 procedureRecalcColumnWidths(constSetColumn: TJvInspectorCompoundColumn = nil); virtual;


Parameters Description
const SetColumn: TJvInspectorCompoundColumn = nil Column which has to be set to the width that is specified. This column is guaranteed to be set to that width, unless its width is 0, which means it will be set to whatever width remains after the main loop.


RecalcColumnWidths will recalculate all column widths such that the total width will be 100. If the SetColumn property is set to a column, that column is guaranteed to be the width it was set to. RecalcColumnWidths will loop over all columns and adjust there widths if needed. If a columns width would make the total > 100, it is resized to a smaller value. If a columns width was set to 0, it will be added to a list of columns to be set after the main loop. After the main loop has ended and the total width < 100, a second loop will start to loop over all item for which the width was set to 0. The remaining space will be equally divided over the columns.


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