JVCL Help:TJvCustomMonthCalendar.SetDayStates

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Sets the bold state for the currently visible days.


 procedureSetDayStates(MonthCount: Integer; DayStates: arrayof TMonthDayState);


Parameters Description
MonthCount: Integer Number of months to pass to the control
DayStates: array of TMonthDayState Array with day states for each month. Must be large enough to hold MonthCount elements or the number of partially visible months, whichever is the largest. The first element is assumed to be the first (partially) visible month.


SetDayStates sets the bold state for the currently visible days. The method assumes the given array is at least the same size as the number of months currently visible (including partially visible months). It also assumes the first month in the array is the first (partially) visible month of the control.


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