JVCL Help:TJvAppIniFileStorage.AutoFlush

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If set to True, the Flush method will be called whenever a modification has been made to the in memory file.


 propertyAutoFlush: Boolean;


Please note that if AutoReload is set to True and AutoFlush is not, then only the very last change done will be written into the physical file. Look at this sequence:

Write (calls [[JVCL_Help:TJvAppIniFileStorage.Reload|Reload]] before writing)<br/>
Write (calls [[JVCL_Help:TJvAppIniFileStorage.Reload|Reload]] before writing)<br/>
Write (calls [[JVCL_Help:TJvAppIniFileStorage.Reload|Reload]] before writing)<br/>
Write (calls [[JVCL_Help:TJvAppIniFileStorage.Reload|Reload]] before writing)<br/>[[JVCL_Help:TJvCustomAppIniStorage.Destroy|Destroy]] (calls [[JVCL_Help:TJvAppIniFileStorage.Flush|Flush]]) 

The only time Flush is called is when the component is destroyed, thus only putting the last Write into the file. This is why AutoFlush should always be set to True when AutoReload is. This is not ensured by the component because some user may want this behavior to happen.

See Also

TJvAppIniFileStorage.AutoReload, TJvAppIniFileStorage.Flush


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