JVCL Help:IJvDataConsumerServerNotify.IsValidClient

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Checks if the client is a valid client to be linked to the server.


 functionIsValidClient(Client: IJvDataConsumerClientNotify): Boolean;


Parameters Description
Client: IJvDataConsumerClientNotify Reference to the client consumer notification interface of the consumer to check.


IsValidClient determines if the specified client consumer is a valid client to be linked to the server. If the client is valid the method returns True, otherwise False will be returned.
Each server will have different criteria to determine if the client consumer can be linked. In the case of a context selection consumer, the server will make sure the client consumer is linked to the same provider as the context selection consumer's linked context provider is.
Most implementers use this method in both the AddClient as well as the NotifyProviderChanged methods to determine validity of the client consumer.

See Also

IJvDataConsumerServerNotify.AddClient, IJvDataConsumerServerNotify.NotifyProviderChanged


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