JCL Help Talk:TWindowsVersion

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Does anyone know why "wvFuture" was removed from the end of the enumeration? This was quite useful in past revisions.
EDIT: I've belatedly realised that "wvUnknown" serves the same purpose, but it was more convenient when "wvFuture" was at the "top end" of the enumeration, that way I could build sets like this:
TWinVistaOrAbove: set of TWindowsVersion = [wvWinVista..wvFuture];
--AMarchant 19:35, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
This change was made a very long time ago, I do not have the exact reason for this removal but it may be related to the fact that the ordinal value of wvFuture would have change each time a new version is inserted.
--Outchy 12:03, 21 November 2011 (UTC)