JCL Help:StrResetLength@AnsiString

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Resets the length of the supplied string.


 procedure StrResetLength(var S: WideString); overload;
procedure StrResetLength(var S: AnsiString); overload;
procedure StrResetLength(S: TJclStringBuilder); overload;
procedure StrResetLength(var S: UnicodeString); overload;


Parameters Description
var S: WideString The string whose length to reset.


StrResetLength resets the length of the string to encompass only the actual number of used characters. This is particularly useful when passing strings to API functions which accept PChar's. These kind of functions do modify the string but since they are unaware of how Delphi manages strings, the length is not changed on return. Depending on how you use the string from that point on the results may be incorrect if you do not apply StrResetLength. The function resets the length to the C string length, i. e. the length up to the first #0 byte.





Marcel van Brakel

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