JCL Help:StrCompareRange@AnsiString@AnsiString@SizeInt@SizeInt@Boolean

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Compares two (sub) strings.


 function StrCompareRange(const S1: string; const S2: string; Index: SizeInt; Count: SizeInt; CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): SizeInt;
function StrCompareRange(const S1: AnsiString; const S2: AnsiString; Index: SizeInt; Count: SizeInt; CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): SizeInt;


Parameters Description
const S1: string First string to compare.
const S2: string Second string to compare.
Index: SizeInt Starting index of sub-string in S1 to.
Count: SizeInt Number of characters of the sub-string in S1 to compare to S2.

Return Value

StrCompareRange returns 0 if the two strings match or the number of different characters in case of a mismatch.


StrCompareRange compares, case-sensitive, a sub-string from the first supplied string with the second string. If the two strings are identical the function returns 0 otherwise it returns an indication of difference between the two strings, The result is equal to the result returned by StrCompare. This function is particularly useful to avoid code such as: "if Copy(S, 1, 4) = 'JEDI' then ..." which is quite inefficient. This code would be rewritten to: "if StrCompareRange(S1, 'JEDI', 1, 4) = 0 then ...".

See Also






Azret Botash

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