JCL Help:RegCreateKey@DelphiHKEY@string

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Creates and initializes a key.


 function RegCreateKey(const RootKey: DelphiHKEY; const Key: string): Longint; overload;
function RegCreateKey(const RootKey: DelphiHKEY; const Key: string; const Value: string): Longint; overload;


Parameters Description
const Key: string Subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT to create.
const Value: string The value to write to the default value of the specified key.

Return Value

If the function succeeds it returns ERROR_SUCCESS as defined in Windows.pas. If it fails it returns a non-zero error code. You can use the Windows FormatMessage API call to get a description for the error code.


RegCreateKey creates the specified key under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and writes the specified value to the default value of this key.





Charlie Calvert

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