JCL Help:PeDoesImportFunction

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Tests whether an image imports a specific function.


 function PeDoesImportFunction(const FileName: TFileName; const FunctionName: string; const LibraryName: string = ; Options: TJclSmartCompOptions = []): Boolean;


Parameters Description
const FileName: TFileName Filename of the image to test.
const FunctionName: string Name of the function to test.
const LibraryName: string = Filename of the library from FunctionName is supposedly imported. If this parameter is left empty the function simply tests if the function is imported at all from any library. If however this parameter is specified the function only returns True if the function is actually imported from the specified library.
Options: TJclSmartCompOptions = [] Optional parameter which determine various aspects of the functionname matching such as case sensitivity. See TJclSmartCompOptions for more detailed information.

Return Value

If the function is imported (optionally from the specified library) the function returns True, otherwise ut returns False.


PeDoesImportFunction determines whether the specified image imports the specified function from a specific library. If LibraryName is left empty the function test if the image imports the function from any library.





Petr Vones

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