JVCL Help:TJvCustomCsvDataSet.OnSpecialData

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Occurs when metadata is embedded in a csv data file.


 TJvCsvOnSpecialData = procedure (Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; NonCsvData: RawByteString) ofobject;
propertyOnSpecialData: TJvCsvOnSpecialData;


Parameters Description
NonCsvData The data that came in that is special metadata. ('> > DATESAVED: THIS DATA WAS SAVED ON MAY 3, 2003')
Index File line number
Sender Component sending the event


This event fires, if metadata is embedded in a csv data file. The metadata escape sequence is '> > ' at the beginning of the file. This allows CSV files to have comments or metadata associated with them. Note that this is a proprietary extension to the CSV file format, and is not expected to be interoperable with other CSV reading/writing software, unless you strip the special data before sending it to these other files. When we encounter a CSV data row that starts with '> > ', it is skipped, and this event fires.


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