JCL Help:PeMapImgSections64@TStream@Int64@TImageNtHeaders64@TImageSectionHeaderArray

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Obtains an array containing all the PE image sections of a 64-bit PE image.


 function PeMapImgSections64(Stream: TStream; const NtHeaders64Position: Int64; const NtHeaders64: TImageNtHeaders64; out ImageSectionHeaders: TImageSectionHeaderArray): Int64; overload;


Parameters Description
Stream The stream where the PE image sections are stored.
NtHeaders64Position The position in stream where the PE image starts.
NtHeaders64 PE image header used to compute where the first PE image section starts.
ImageSectionHeaders Receives the array of PE image sections read from the stream.

Return Value

If successful, it returns the computed stream position where the first PE image section starts, otherwise -1.


Reads from the given *Stream* the PE image sections of a 64-bit PE image that starts at the *NtHeaders64Position* position. The PE image header information is provided by the programmer using *NtHeaders64* and it is used by the function to compute stream position of the first PE image section.




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